Due to the COVID circumstances, we were forced to postpone the CzechDreamin event a couple of times last year. But we have been missing the feeling of a community connection and as the situation is still unsure, we decided to connect with you remotely this year.
The CzechDreamin will happen this year! It will be FREE and fully online.
10 June 2021 (Thursday) from 5 pm – 7 pm CEST
This year CzechDreamin will be in the rapid style – 20 slides, 20 seconds each. We secured a bunch of interesting speakers and topics for this year so we are sure you will be able to find bits and pieces that fit into your Salesforce interest area. Check the agenda as it is being published on the web, pretty sure you will find a topic of your interest.
Get your tickets now, because who knows, some surprise might be awaiting you.