16:30, Klub A

Cyril Louis & Iulian Chiriac

Backup solutions: same same but different. Understand which one is best for you, Cyril Louis & Iulian Chiriac, 101 level

Running your business in the Cloud does not mean your data are safe and backed up properly. Oups! Join this session to understand and discover a range of data backup solutions and to learn about their unique features, pricing models, as well as advantages and suitability for different contexts. Please note that we will also address the possibility of backing up Marketing Cloud data (as usually the most of focus is put on Sales/Service Cloud). So join me to find the perfect fit for your organization’s needs 🙂

17:00, Klub A

Oleksandr Yevsieiev

Solved: perform complex calculations in CRM Analytics and write back to Salesforce,
Oleksandr Yevsieiev, 201 level

Regular automation tools like Flows, Triggers are quite flexible in terms of manipulating data in Salesforce. But what if we need to update the record with some external data or with a result complex calculations that combines several sources. CRM Analytics can bridge this gap with point and click way.


Official end of the long day. Whether you still have some energy left or not, we will serve beer, wine and soft drinks.


We need to be out of the building. Will we continue somewhere?