Can we pretend that we made a typo on the event date, and everything will be ok?
The COVID-19 situation is known to everyone and is forcing us to take different measures and approaches. The Czech Republic is one of the least affected countries. However, we are not in this alone and need to consider global measures and precautions.
We emailed all our speakers and asked them for their views on attending the event and delivering the chosen presentation. Despite some of the optimistic views such as “I’ll come for sure“, the average response was close to the “No way” statement.
We also thought about changing the event to the virtual format, but we feel it would lose a lot of benefits for all of the attendees, including our speakers, sponsors, and general guests. As much as we are fond of the digital and virtual age, the purpose of this particular event doesn’t fit into this format. After all, the Czech food and beverage are amazing, and it would be a shame not to be able to taste it all!
Therefore, the decision was made…..
The CzechDreamin event won’t happen this year and will take place next year on
June 4th, 2021 (Friday)
The event agenda and format will be kept in a very similar way as this year’s one. However, there may be some additional changes with presentations and speakers.
We are also in touch with our local hotels to negotiate a better rate for our attendees. We will let you know at the beginning of next year.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you next year! Till then, enjoy all virtual Dreamins and be safe.
Last but not least, we would love to thank all our current sponsors for their generosity and patience in this ‘not so easy’ situation.
CzechDreamin team